Lincoln Corsair Manuals

Lincoln Corsair: Front End Sheet Metal Repairs / Removal and Installation - Cowl Panel

Special Tool(s) / General Equipment

Resistance Spotwelding Equipment
Spot Weld Drill Bit
Locking Pliers


Name Specification
Seam Sealer
TA-2-B, 3M™ 08308, LORD Fusor® 803DTM


NOTICE: Battery electric vehicle (BEV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) contain a high-voltage battery. Before cutting or welding near the high-voltage battery it must be removed to avoid damage.

NOTE: Roof removed for clarity.

NOTE: Factory welds may be substituted with resistance or metal inert gas (MIG) plug welds. Resistance welds may not be placed directly over original location. They must be placed adjacent to original location and match factory welds in quantity. Metal inert gas (MIG) plug welds must equal factory welds in both location and quantity.

NOTE: Adequately protect all adjacent areas against cutting, grinding and welding procedures.

  1. Depower the SRS .
    Refer to: Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Depowering (501-20B Supplemental Restraint System, General Procedures).
  1. Remove the hood.
    Refer to: Hood (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the cowl panel grille.
    Refer to: Cowl Panel Grille (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the instrument panel.
    Refer to: Instrument Panel (501-12 Instrument Panel and Console, Removal and Installation).
  1. Remove the windshield glass.
    Refer to: Fixed Glass (501-11 Glass, Frames and Mechanisms, General Procedures).
  1. If Required:
    Dimensionally restore the vehicle to pre-damage condition.
    Refer to: Body and Frame (501-26 Body Repairs - Vehicle Specific Information and Tolerance Checks, Description and Operation).
  1. On both sides:
    Remove the front fender and the front fender splash shield.
    Refer to: Fender (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
    Refer to: Fender Splash Shield (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
  1. Position the carpet, electrical modules and wiring harnesses away from the working area.
  1. On both sides:
    Remove the retainers and the cowl panel support brace.
  1. NOTE: The insulation consists of several serviceable pieces but can be removed as an assembly.

    Remove the dash panel insulation.
    1. Remove the push-on clip.
    1. Remove the push pins.
    1. Remove the cap nuts.
    1. Remove the bolts.
    1. Remove the nuts.
  1. NOTE: Pay particular attention to the location of adhesives or sealers to aid in installation.

    Remove the welds and the upper cowl panel.
    Use the General Equipment: Spot Weld Drill Bit
  1. Remove the lower cowl panel retainers.
  1. NOTE: Pay particular attention to the location of adhesives or sealers to aid in installation.

    Remove the welds and the lower cowl panel extension.
    Use the General Equipment: Spot Weld Drill Bit


NOTICE: Battery electric vehicle (BEV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) contain a high-voltage battery. Before cutting or welding near the high-voltage battery it must be removed to avoid damage.

NOTICE: The high-voltage battery in a battery electric vehicle (BEV), hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) can be affected and damaged by excessively high temperatures. The temperature in some body shop paint booths can exceed 60° C (140° F). Therefore, during refinishing operations, the paint booth temperature must set at or below 60° C (140° F) with a bake time of 45 minutes or less. Temperatures in excess of 60° C (140° F) or bake durations longer than 45 minutes will require the high-voltage battery be removed from the vehicle prior to placing in the paint booth.

NOTICE: If refinishing cure temperatures exceed 60° C (140° F), the charge port light ring on plug-in vehicles must be removed.

NOTE: Roof removed for clarity.

NOTE: Factory welds may be substituted with resistance or metal inert gas (MIG) plug welds. Resistance welds may not be placed directly over original location. They must be placed adjacent to original location and match factory welds in quantity. Metal inert gas (MIG) plug welds must equal factory welds in both location and quantity.

NOTE: Adequately protect all adjacent areas against cutting, grinding and welding procedures.

  1. Install, properly position, clamp and weld the replacement cowl panel extension.
    Use the General Equipment: Locking Pliers
    Use the General Equipment: Resistance Spotwelding Equipment
  1. Dress all welds as required using typical metal finishing techniques and materials.
  1. Seam Sealing:
    All seams must be sealed to production level.
    Material: Seam Sealer / TA-2-B, 3M™ 08308, LORD Fusor® 803DTM
  1. Install the lower cowl panel retainers.
    Torque: 35 lb.ft (48 Nm)
  1. Install, properly position, clamp and weld the replacement upper cowl panel.
    Use the General Equipment: Locking Pliers
    Use the General Equipment: Resistance Spotwelding Equipment
  1. Dress all welds as required using typical metal finishing techniques and materials.
  1. Seam Sealing:
    All seams must be sealed to production level.
    Material: Seam Sealer / TA-2-B, 3M™ 08308, LORD Fusor® 803DTM

  1. Install the dash panel insulation.
    1. Install the push-on clip.
    1. Install the push pins.
    1. Install the cap nuts.
    1. Install the bolts.
      Torque: 71 (8 Nm)
    1. Install the nuts.
      Torque: 71 (8 Nm)
  1. On both sides:
    Install the cowl panel support brace and the retainers.
  1. Sand to remove old adhesive, paint, e-coat and clean.
  1. Apply a Ford approved epoxy-based primer and allow to dry.
  1. Mask the windshield channel.
  1. Refinish the entire repair using a Ford approved paint system.
  1. Remove the masking material from the windshield channel.
  1. VIN Plate:
    Install a new VIN plate.
    Refer to: Identification Codes (100-01 Identification Codes, Description and Operation).
  1. Install the windshield glass.
    Refer to: Fixed Glass (501-11 Glass, Frames and Mechanisms, General Procedures).
  1. Restore corrosion protection.
    Refer to: Corrosion Prevention (501-25 Body Repairs - General Information, General Procedures).
  1. Reposition the wiring harnesses, electrical modules and carpet in original location.
  1. Install the instrument panel.
    Refer to: Instrument Panel (501-12 Instrument Panel and Console, Removal and Installation).
  1. On both sides:
    Install the front fender and the front fender splash shield.
    Refer to: Fender (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
    Refer to: Fender Splash Shield (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the cowl panel grille.
    Refer to: Cowl Panel Grille (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
  1. Install the hood.
    Refer to: Hood (501-02 Front End Body Panels, Removal and Installation).
  1. Align the hood.
    Refer to: Hood Alignment (501-03 Body Closures, General Procedures).
  1. Repower the SRS .
    Refer to: Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) Repowering (501-20B Supplemental Restraint System, General Procedures).

    Front End Sheet Metal Repairs


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