NOTE: If servicing the RH (right-hand) tie rod, both bellows boots must be removed.
Remove the steering gear boot.NOTICE: Hold the steering gear rack while loosening the tie rod. Failure to hold the rack securely could result in steering gear damage.
NOTE: It may be necessary to turn the steering wheel to (LH) Left-hand side in order to expose the steering gear rack enough to hold with a wrench.
NOTE: The steering gear rack can only be held on the LH side.
NOTE: LH side shown, RH side similar.
Using an appropriate-sized wrench on the flat/teeth to hold the rack and an appropriate size crows foot wrench or open end wrench, remove and discard the tie rod.Installation
NOTICE: Hold the steering gear rack while tightening the tie rod. Failure to hold the rack securely could result in steering gear damage.
NOTE: It may be necessary to turn the steering wheel to LH side in order to expose the steering gear rack enough to hold with a wrench.
NOTE: LH side shown, RH side similar.
NOTE: The help of an assistant may be necessary to torque the RH tie rod.
Using an appropriate-sized wrench on the flat/teeth to hold the rack and an appropriate size crows foot wrench or open end wrench, install the tie rod.Note: The keyless starting system may not function if the key is close to metal objects or electronic devices such as cellular phones.
Note: A valid key must be located inside your vehicle to switch the ignition on and start the engine.
Ignition Modes